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D 9.1 Report on research projects in the field of homeopathy, cooperation between research bodies and initiatives to reduce use of antibiotics by using homeopathic remedies

D 9.1 Report on research projects in the field of homeopathy, cooperation between research bodies and initiatives to reduce use of antibiotics by using homeopathic remedies

The role of homeopathy when striving for options to treat diseased animals and reduce the use of antibiotics in organic and conventional livestock farming (cattle, pig and poultry production) has been assessed by a review on preconditions for the use of homeopathy in farm practice (Part A); a review of published research studies in the field of homeopathy (Part B), and by investigations regarding the cooperation between research bodies in this field (Part C).

Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Caroline Doehring and Albert Sundrum
Dissemination level: CO, Confidential, only for members of the Consortium (including Commission Services) until final Deliverable 9.6 is accepted.