D 9.3 Report exploring the effectiveness of alternative treatment in livestock systems incorporating a variety of different experts' views and perspectives
- Gegevens
- Hoofdcategorie: Deliverables
- Categorie: Deliverables WP 9
D 9.3 Report exploring the effectiveness of alternative treatment in livestock systems incorporating a variety of different experts' views and perspectives
This report provides an overview of the results of two experts’ workshops arranged in January 2015. The aim of the workshops was to receive feedback on scientific reviews on the efficacy of homeopathy and phytotherapy, elaborated within the IMPRO-project, as well as to identify important factors influencing the effectiveness and use in research and farm practice.
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Caroline Doehring, Lena -Mari Tamminen, César Fernández González, Isabel Blanco Penedo, Albert Sundrum
Dissemination level: PU, Public