In WP7, the project website was established, providing the outline of the project ( The project brochures as well as accepted public Deliverables are available for download on the website. A range of outreach and dissemination activities have been carried out including conference presentations and the writing of articles.


A final workshop to disseminate and discuss results from the project was organized in Brussels. The event was well-attended and most successful in explaining the purpose and objectives of the project and disseminating its key results and findings. A final 4-page results brochure of the project was prepared and handed out at the final event in Brussels and also has been widely distributed across the EU in both hard copy and electronic formats.

Deliverables D7.1, D7.2 and D7.6 are available for download.

Final brochure

PDF, 361 kb


Download the IMPRO digest published in the Parliament Magazine Issue 428