The IMPRO project was expanded by an additional WP9, the Pilot Project 'Coordinate research on alternative treatments in livestock farming'. WP9 has the objective to assess the role of alternative treatments (homeopathy and phytotherapy) when striving for options to reduce the use of antibiotics in organic and conventional livestock farming.

To gain comprehensive knowledge of the state of the art, reviews on the efficacy of homeopathy and phytotherapy have been elaborated, showing quite heterogeneous results. The currently existent research network can be regarded as poor. Furthermore, two workshops have been conducted to discuss the results of the reviews with proponents and opponents of the alternative treatment strategies to receive a comprehensive overview of the arguments. To assess the preconditions for the use of phytotherapeutic treatments according to the state of the art in pig and poultry production, veterinarians and feed advisors with experience in the use of phytotherapy in pig and poultry have been interviewed through a structured questionnaire in four European countries.

To support the assessment of the economic impacts of the use of homeopathic and phytotherapeutic treatments, a stochastic model was developed.

A summarizing report on alternative treatments in the projectwas elaborated. It describes the options and limitations in the use of alternative remedies to reduce the use of antibiotics, and draw conclusions and recommendations for assistance policy.

Deliverables D9.1, D9.2, D9.3, D9.4, D9.5 and D9.6 are available for download.

Final brochure

PDF, 361 kb


Download the IMPRO digest published in the Parliament Magazine Issue 428