A total of 38 Deliverables was elaborated in the IMPRO project of which 26 are Public. Here you find information on all Deliverables. Public (PU) Deliverables are available for download (indicated by PDF added to the title).
D 2.1 Regional kick-off workshops ![](/images/grafik/pdficon_large.png)
This document provides descriptions of the regional workshops, arranged to get input for the variable list for the Impact matrix
Deliverable lead partner: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitets
Deliverable author: Ulf Emanuelson
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 2.2 Variable list ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
This document provides the variable list for the Impact matrix
Deliverable lead partner: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitets
Deliverable author: Ulf Emanuelson
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D2.3 Structural characteristics of farms
Description of the structural characteristics of farms selected for inclusion in the impact matrix analysis
Deliverable lead partner: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitets
Deliverable author: Ulf Emanuelson
Dissemination level: PP, Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
D 2.4 Report on animal health plans ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
This document describes the process for deriving health plans applied at each farm participating in IMPRO. The plans were developed in a participatory approach and based on impact matrix and cost-benefit analyses.
Deliverable lead partner: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitets
Deliverable author: Ulf Emanuelson
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D2.5 Results of on-farm assessments
This document provides a comparison of on-farm assessments of animal health status in a sample of European organic dairy farms based a harmonized calculation of indicators. It also provides an orientation for their potential use and usefulness based on a stakeholder consultation.
Deliverable lead partner: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitets
Deliverable author: Ulf Emanuelson
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D2.6 Follow-up farm inspection
This document provides information on the animal health status in a sample of European organic dairy farms before (ex ante) and after (ex post) an animal health planning activity, using a farm-centric and participatory approach, was delivered. The degree of implementation of the plans was relatively high (median 67%), but very few changes in animal health indicators were seen, probably due to time constraints both during the health planning activity and between ex ante and ex post.
Deliverable lead partner: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitets
Deliverable author: Ulf Emanuelson
Dissemination level: PP, Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
D 3.1 Results of proactive approach ![](/images/grafik/pdficon_large.png)
Deliverable lead partner: ONIRIS
Deliverable author: Nathalie Bareille, Julie Duval, Manon de Joybert
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 3.2 Final monitoring and preventive protocols ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
This document provides the final design and recommended use of the two pro-active protocols aimed to be adapted to organic dairy production: the monitoring and the preventive protocols. Stages of development of this tool are described while its effective implementation on-farm is reported in deliverable D3.1.
Deliverable lead partner: ONIRIS
Deliverable author: Nathalie Bareille, Julie Duval, Manon de Joybert
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D4.1 Draft for protocol and a decision tree
Draft for protocol and a decision tree for the diagnostic procedure.
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Diana Keller
Dissemination level: PP, Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
D 4.2 Report on the use of homeopathy in agricultural practice - Studies from dairy farms in Germany, France and Spain ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
Report on manageability of and attitudes to homeopathic treatment, including recommendations for a potential revision of the EU-Regulation
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Diana Keller, Philip Jones, Albert Sundrum
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 4.3 Comparison of treatments ![](/images/grafik/pdficon_large.png)
Report on the results of a comparison between allopathic and homeopathic
treatments on the farm level
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Diana Keller, ALbert Sundrum
Dissemination level: PU, public
D 4.4 Report on legal conditions and factual findings on the use of homeopathy in Europe ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Lisbeth Ellingerm Arkus Meyer, Susanne Hoischen-Taubner, Albert Sundrum
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 5.1 Farmers’ perception related to animal health
This document provides a description and analysis of the adaptive conjoint analysis performed on 210 farms enrolled in IMPRO to estimate the relative importance of animal health management in relation to other farm management activities when extra labour time would become available in their routine.
Deliverable lead partner: Wageningen University
Deliverable author: Felix van Soest, Monique Mourits and Henk Hogeveen
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 5.2 Evaluation of the intention and motivation of farmers to implement health related measures ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
This document provides a description and analysis of the adaptive conjoint analysis performed on 210 farms enrolled in IMPRO to estimate the relative importance of animal health management in relation to other farm management activities when extra labour time would become available in their routine.
Deliverable lead partner: Reading University
Deliverable author: Philip Jones, Jaap Sok, Henk Hogeveen & Richard Tranter
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 5.3 Cost-benefit relations of health related measures ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
This document provides information on the costs-benefit relations of health related measures and describes the cost-benefit module that estimates and calculates failure and preventive costs of four common production disorders: mastitis, lameness, ketosis and metritis.
Deliverable lead partner: Wageningen University
Deliverable author: Felix van Soest, Monique Mourits and Henk Hogeveen
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 5.4 LP module accounting for limited resources; supporting tool for vets/advisors ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
This document provides a theoretical framework which can support farmers, veterinarians and/or animal health advisors in their decision making process towards animal health management and were to best allocate their scarce resources given the individual nature of each dairy farm. The proposed framework the “Animal Health Management Frontier” reveals the trade-off between preventive effort made to reduce disease incidence and the effect this has on failure costs. Via a linear programming technique a technical efficient frontier and current frontier can be constructed. These frontiers can be directly compared and yields useful insights in the efficiency of the current preventive effort made. Moreover, comparisons between multiple production disorders can be made to determine priority areas in animal health management.
Deliverable lead partner: Wageningen University
Deliverable author: Felix van Soest, Monique Mourits and Henk Hogeveen
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 5.5 Policy outlining options for supporting farmers to improve animal health ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
The IMPRO project developed a novel farm level diagnostic approach towards improving animal health on organic dairy farms. This participatory approach, including the necessary tools, has been shown to be well-received by dairy farmers and their advisors. Given the difference in expectations of consumers and the reality of a high level of production diseases on organic dairy farms, a wider implementation of the IMPRO approach is recommended. The EU Commission, National governments, dairy processors, retailers and organic stakeholders should all play a role in further work suited to improve the currently unsatisfying situation.
Deliverable lead partner: Wageningen University
Deliverable author: A. Sundrum, H. Hogeveen, P. Jones, and R. Tranter
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D6.1 Software module Impact Matrix
This Deliverable describes the software module, which is intended to support the tasks during the 2nd farm visit and the implementation of the Impact Matrix assessment.
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Susanne Hoischen-Taubner
Dissemination level: PP, Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
D6.2 Software project definitions
This document gives an outline of the software tool for the use in herd health management which will be developed within the IMPRO project.
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Susanne Hoischen-Taubner
Dissemination level: PP, Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
D6.3 Specification of methods to test requirements
This document provides an overview on the procedure on how to test the usability of the IMPRO software toolbox.
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Susanne Hoischen-Taubner
Dissemination level: PP, Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)
D 6.4 Herd health management tool ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
This document describes the scope and prefiguration of the IMPRO Software Toolbox. Furthermore, it provides an overview on the procedure on how to test the usability of the IMPRO software toolbox.
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Susanne Hoischen-Taubner
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 6.5 & D 6.6 Customer satisfaction analysis and Report on regional workshops
in GB and NL ![](/images/grafik/pdficon_large.png)
D6.5 was merged with D6.6 since it seemed more effective in terms of dissemination to have a
workshop after the test-phase to discuss the toolbox and present the results to various stakeholders.
Deliverable lead partner: University of Kassel
Deliverable author: Susanne Hoischen-Taubner
Dissemination level: PU, Public
D 7.1 IMPRO brochure ![](/images/logo/pdficon_large.png)
The brochure provides an overview on the IMPRO project. It is available in four languages on the IMPRO website. The printed leaflet was sent to all IMPRO partners who will further disseminate it to inform about IMPRO.
Deliverable lead partner: Reading University
Deliverable author: Chris Garforth, Susanne Hoischen-Taubner
Dissemination level: PU, Public